Review of CAEPIA 2018

caepia2018The CAEPIA (Spanish acronym for “Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial“) 2018 conference took place in Granada and it has been the eighteenth edition. It’s a biennial forum open to researchers from around the world to present and discuss the latest advances in artificial technology in Artificial Intelligence. The Doctoral Consortium is organized within CAEPIA, a forum for doctoral students to interact with other groups through the discussion of their thesis project and it has been also held an app development competition based on AI techniques. Also within the CAEPIA, several federated congresses and workshops are held. A brief resume of the conference can be seen in the next video.

All events took place in the palace of congresses of Granada, located in the center of Granada, near of the Genil river. We could attend MAEB, CoSeCiVi and other conferences, as well as workshops from DeepL, IndustriA 4.0., and others. We had the opportunity to enjoy lectures from distinguished invited speakers such as Sergio Guadarrama (from Google research) and Pedro Larrañaga who was recipient of the AEPIA2018 award for his professional career and his contribution to Bayesian Networks. The social dinner of the conference took place in the beautiful Hotel Abades Nevada Palace and we could taste the delicious gastronomy of Granada.

The scientific quality of the event was impressive as well. About a hundred researchers presented their latest work in a relaxed environment. The program was organized around 10 parallel tracks, comprising both general and invited sessions. DeepBio presented a work in MAEB about the application of genetic algorithms and deep learning in the videogame design. Our presentation [1] is included below.

Overall, the conference was brilliantly organized and we are now looking forward to the next edition. Hope to see you there!

[1] A. Gutiérrez Rodríguez, C. Cotta, A.J. Fernández Leiva, An Evolutionary Approach to Metroidvania Videogame Design, XVIII Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial, pp. 518-523, F. Herrera et al. (eds.), Granada (Spain), 2018